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Tips Home Theater Room

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to greatly enhance your home theater’s audio quality, and they focus around two key elements to a rooms acoustics – sound absorption and soundproofing.
Take an expensive home theater audio system and place it in a room along side an all-in-one-box surround sound system and you’ll discover that if the room has poor acoustics, both systems sound lousy. The fact that you paid hundreds of dollars more for your home theater system means nothing if the room’s acoustics aren’t capable of delivering the goods.

The Plusher the Furniture, the Better
Hard furniture, like flooring, does nothing to help absorb the sound waves your audio system is producing, therefore; only use soft, plush furniture in your entertainment room. Add in some big, fluffy pillows and you’ll notice your audio system will sound richer and lusher than ever before.

Install Acoustic Wall Panels
Acoustic wall panels are made out of foam and shaped like egg crates. Luckily, you don’t have to cover all of the walls with them in order to improve your room’s acoustics. Simply affix them on the wall somewhere near the front speakers and that should help improve the sound quality in the room.
One place you never want to place sound absorbing tiles of absorbent materials of any kind is on the ceiling of your entertainment room. Leaving the ceiling bare will allow the sound waves to reflect around the room so they can be absorbed where they need to be. As with all things in life, too much of a good thing is not really good and in the case of acoustics, too much absorptive materials will cause the audio to feel dull and dampened. For the best possible results, your room needs the perfect balance of soft and hard surfaces.

Update the Doors and Windows
If you’re a serious audiophile who wants his surround sound system to sound its absolute best, then you’re going to want to make sure your entertainment room’s doors are solid wood and not hollow. You will also want your windows to be well-insulated and double-paned to prevent outside noises from compromising the audio integrity of your entertainment room. If you can’t afford to remodel your windows, hang some very heavy draped curtains over them to help absorb as much sound as possible.

Carpet the Floor of Your Entertainment Room
Nothing destroys deep, rich audio waves like a hard surface floor. The audio waves simply bounce around the room causing them to sound like tin-laden echoes. If you don’t want to take on the added expense of carpeting your entertainment room or you really love hardwood flooring, then consider adding a few area rugs strategically placed to help absorb some of the sound waves.

Boost Up the Insulation
Your entertainment room should have insulation between the studs in every wall, not just the exterior wall. This might be impractical for many homeowners, but if you’re performing a renovation anyway, fill up all of the cavities with high quality insulation and then apply a double layer of drywall to finish the job.

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